Changes in The Wesleyan Discipline over the years


This summer my denomination will have a General Conference. These happen every four years and it is the only time the entire denomination meets in legislative session and can initiate changes in our Discipline—and there are lots of ideas about needed changes, though fewer of the “ideators” will take the time to actually write resolutions.  There’s usually far more heat than homework. Since I am in one of The Wesleyan church’s educational institutions I’ve been wondering what our role should be.  It is obvious to me what the people in theology and History and Bible should do to serve the discussion—but what about me—I’m in the practical field. So I decided one of my roles is to do homework for busy pastors DSs and General officers to aid in their decision-making process.  I’ve already done plenty of homework and posted it (see links at bottom) but over Spring Break another idea came to me.


I wondered how much change we’ve already seen in The Discipline in the last 50 years. So I decided to do the homework. I compared what Wesleyans have said in their Disciplines over the last 50 years. I started with the two denominations that came together to form the Wesleyan church—the Pilgrim Holiness Manual of 1950, and the Wesleyan Methodist Discipline of 1951 to give me a base line from about 50 years ago. Third I took the new Discipline that came 18 years later as a result of Merger in 1968—The Wesleyan Discipline, 1968. Finally I leaped forward 36 years to 2004, the most recent edition of the Wesleyan Discipline, 2004.  I really wanted to make some observations I discovered doing this study. But I decided against that—instead I’m just going to post the raw research data and let my readers make the observations. As you study this data, what observations emerge? When you get an insight post it here.  (Where I have erred in compiling this please let me know—I did it on spring break in Key West and may have been experiencing Spring fever).


Membership Commitments

Most denominations have a set of rules or promises a church member makes to join the church. In these denominations they were labeled “rules  for a long time until the post-1960’s culture got a better idea and we now call them “Membership Commitments.” The more modern label has less compulsion and enables the church to discipline people for breaking your promise rather than “not keeping our rules.”


Pilgrim Holiness, 1950

Church Covenant (30)

& Special Rules (63-83)


“We promise by the aid of the Holy Ghost:”

Wesleyan Methodist, 1951

General Rules (43-49)

& Special Rules  (50-60)


GENERAL RULES  Expected of all; if a member fails we will admonish them and “bear with them for a season” but if “he repent not he hath no more place among us.” (47)

SPECIAL RULES: The General Conference requests all pastors & people to carry out and enforce these rules:” (50)


Wesleyan, 1968

General Rules (130-132)


GENERAL RULES : If any among us do not observe them and habitually break any of them we will admonish him with charity and bear with him for a season but if he repent not he shall have no more place among us. (132)

Wesleyan, 2004

Membership Commitments (260)

These are matters of “collective Christian conscience” guided by the Holy Spirit and are the historic, ethical and practical standards of The Wesleyan Church. It is expected that those entering into Covenant Membership shall follow carefully and conscientiously these guides and helps to holy living. Disregard of the principles embraced in these Covenant Membership Commitments subjects a member to Church discipline .

Walk in holiness and goodness

To shun sin & walk in holiness (30.2)

Doing no harm and avoiding evil of every kind… (46) doing good to all men “trampling under foot the doctrine ‘we are not to do good unless our hearts be free to do it.’”   Doing good especially to Christians giving preference to them in employment and in doing business with them. (47)



Church attendance

To attend church (30.3)

Attending the public worship of God, he ministry of the Word, the Lord’s Supper. (47)

Attend all the means of grace such as worship, ministry of the word, the Supper of our Lord, family and private prayer, fasting or abstinence. (131:13)

To reverence the name of God and to honor the Lord’s Day by divine worship and spiritual edification, participating in those activities which contribute to the moral and spiritual purposes of this day. (260.1) To grow in the knowledge, love and grace of God by participating in public worship, the ministry of the Word of God, the Lord’s Supper, family and personal devotions and fasting. (260.8)


Build up the saints, walk in love, aid each other, courtesy in speech. (30.4); avoid all “tattling, backbiting, evil-speaking” & “frivolous conversation”(30.9)

Avoiding fighting, quarreling, brawling, going to court against a brother. Avoiding the “using of many words in buying or selling.” Avoiding uncharitable or unprofitable conversation;(46)

Mutually edify others, walk together in fellowship, give and receive admonition, pray for others, aid those sick and in distress, cultivate Christian sympathy. (131:7)

To work together for the advancement of God’s kingdom and for the mutual edification of fellow believers in holiness, knowledge and love; to walk together in Christian fellowship by giving and receiving counsel with gentleness and affection; by praying for each other; by helping each other in sickness and distress; and by demonstrating love, purity and courtesy to all. (260.7)


Give cheerfully to church & missions & the poor. (30.5) “The pastor should instruct the people to remember their first financial duty is to their home church.” (68) All members tithe their income into the local treasury with the needs of the pastor receiving first  consideration. (69)

Avoiding “softness or needless self-indulgence” or “laying up treasurers on earth. (46) Give food to the hungry, cloth the naked and visit those sick or in prison. (47)

make wise use of our material resources ever mindful of our obligation to Christ’s church and the needs of our fellow men exercising string self-discipline in personal indulgences demonstrating Christian liberality toward those in distress thus laying up treasures in heaven.” (131:10) ”

To exercise faithful stewardship through the wise use of their time and material resources, practicing careful self-discipline in order to further the mission of Christ’s church (remembering the principle of tithing which is basic to the New Testament standard of stewardship) and to demonstrate compassion to those in need. (260.3)  To do good as much as is possible to all people as God gives

opportunity, especially to those in the body of Christ; by giving food to the

hungry, by clothing the destitute, by visiting or helping those who are sick or in prison; by instructing, correcting or encouraging them in love. (260.10)






Maintain family & secret devotions (30.6)

Have family and private prayer. (47)

[Practice]family and private prayer. (131:13)

To grow in the knowledge, love and grace of God by…family and personal devotions and fasting. (260.8)


Lead our children to Christ & give them a “guarded Christian Education.” (30.7)


Honor Christ in every phase of family life, encourage nurture and education of our children so as to bring them early to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and encouraging their Christian education. (131:11)

To preserve the sanctity of the home by honoring Christ in every phase of family life and by demonstrating Christlike love (always avoiding spousal or child abuse), and by living peacefully with one another, thereby encouraging the nurture and education of the children in the Christian faith so as to bring them early to the saving knowledge of Christ. (260.6)



Be just and discharge debts faithfully. (30.8)

Avoiding borrowing money or buying goods without the probability of paying. (46)

Be just and faithful in all transactions and commitments fulfilling all contract obligations.” (131:5)

To live honestly, be just in all dealings and faithful in all commitments. (260.12)

Tobacco, alcohol, drugs

Abstain from sale and use in all forms, (30.10)

Avoid drunkenness or the buying and selling of beverage alcohol  or aiding others to do so. 3(46)

Total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors is the duty of all Christians; the law should outlaw alcohol as a beverage and it is wrong for the State to tax or derive revenue from it for it is unscriptural and sinful in principle and ought to be opposed by every Christian and patriot, furthermore Christians should vote against this evil and refuse to be controlled by any political party managed in the interest of the drink traffic.” (58)  The use of tobacco is a great evil and a waste of money and we require our members to refrain from its cultivation, manufacture sale and use of it in all forms.(59) We will not receive into membership those who defy this rule unless they were received into membership before June 28, 1927. [a grandfather clause dated at the addition of this rule] (60).

“Abstain from the manufacture, sale and use of alcoholic beverages and all harmful drugs;” (131:2) abstain from the cultivation, manufacture, sale and use of tobacco.” (131:3)

…abstaining from using or trafficking (production, sale or purchase)* in any substances destructive to their physical, mental and spiritual health, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco and drugs (other than proper medical purposes of drugs); (260.4)


NOTE ADDED: While no “thing” of itself is sinful, the Christian should avoid the use of anything which would not help build the fellowship of the church, would not help the believers to realize their full potential in Christ, or which would enslave them.  In the light of the scientific knowledge of our day concerning the actual and potential harm of these substances, total abstinence is more in keeping with these biblical principles than is moderation. (260.4)


*See 6805 265;4 in Appendix B. where the General Superintendents are widely seen as interpreting this to allow a member who is an employee but not an owner to participate in such sales or transporting products. 

Worldly amusements

Avoid dances, shows, theaters, horse races, promiscuous bathing (mixed sex swimming), places where gambling happens. (30.11) “Inter-church sponsored athletics are prohibited. (78)

Avoid the “taking of such diversions as can not be used in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Singing songs or reading books which ‘do not tend to the knowledge or love of God.” (46)

Careful use of our time “engaging only in such activites that may contribute to our spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical well-being.” (131:9)



[see special directions]

Secret societies & other organizations

Shun membership in all oath-bound societies (30.12) Opposed to membership in any organization of “labor or capital” involving Christians in unholy alliances. (75)

Will not tolerate ministers and members holding fellowship with secret societies. (57)

Abstain form membership in secret societies which are oath-bound; “These prohibitions do not apply to labor, civic or other organizations that do not contradict loyalty to Christ. (131:12)

Refraining from membership in secret societies and lodges which are oath bound, (260.4) These prohibitions do not restrict membership in labor, civic or other organizations which do not contradict loyalty to Christ and the Church. When in these relationships Christian principles are violated, members shall be dealt with because of such violations and not because of the membership itself.


Modestly according to 1 Peter 3:3-4 & 1 Tim 2:9-10 (passages mentioning “plaiting the hair, wearing gold, expensive dress, & pearls.” (30.13) “Girls and women are not to appear in public in immodest dress such as “sun suits, shorts, anklets and no stockings, dresses of immodest length, slacks or similar garments. Men and boys should not appear in public in shorts or without shirts.”  (64) Since our church has traditional against the wearing of wedding rings the General Conference of 1950 goes on record as opposed to the wearing of all rings. (77)

Avoiding the putting on of gold or costly apparel or immodest dress. (46)

“Let none be received into the church until they have left off wearing of gold, superfluous adornments, or have adopted modest attire” (51) Let every member dress with plainness, economy in light of thousands suffering in the world.” (52, 53) Specified garb for women as mission workers as “dark blue dress and bonnet with white ties” once appointed by the conference. (54); Disapprove changing apparel for funerals and ‘the extravagant waste of money for funeral displays.” (55); refraining from wearing jewelry as a testimony (56).

Dress to adorn the gospel in the spirit of 1 Peter 3:34 and I Timothy 2:9-10 in purity and modesty, refraining from superfluous adornment.” (131:8)





[see special directions]


Avoiding worldly business on Sunday such a buying and selling, traveling, pleasures not done with an eye single to God’s glory. (30.14)

Avoid doing ordinary work, or buying or selling. (46)

“Observe the Lord’s Day by worship… “avoid all unnecessary commerce, travels, pleasures which do not contribute to the ends of the day.” (131:1)

To… honor the Lord’s Day by divine worship and spiritual edification, participating in those activities which contribute to the moral and spiritual purposes of this day. (260.1)



Avoiding taking the name of God in vain. (46)

“Reverence the name of Deity.” (131: 1)

To reverence the name of God. (260.1)



Avoid the buying or selling of people with the intention of enslaving them, or holding slaves, or claiming it is right to do so. (46)




No divorced person or one married to a divorced person can be elected as a leader in a church (64)


We regard adultery as the only justifiable cause for divorce and in this case the innocent party may marry again but the guilty party has by their act forfeited membership in the church. In the case of divorce for other causes neither part shall be permitted to marry again during the lifetime of the other and violation of this shall result in expulsion from the church. (131:)

To follow the teachings of the Scriptures regarding marriage and divorce. We affirm that sexual relationships outside of marriage and sexual relationships between persons of the same sex are immoral and sinful. We further affirm that heterosexual monogamy is God’s plan for marriage, and we regard sexual sin of the spouse, such as adultery, homosexual behavior, bestiality or incest, as the only biblical grounds for considering divorce, and then only when appropriate counseling has failed to restore the relationship. (260.5)

Racism, sexism



Respect the inherent rights of all persons regardless of race, color or sex.” (131:4)

To respect the inherent individual rights of all persons, regardless of race, color or sex. (260.11)




“To respect all duly constituted authority in the home, the church and the state except when to do so violates the clear teaching of Scripture.” (131:6)



All leaders should be known for their piety and their careful keeping of the church covenant; hey should not be vain in attire, in too much debt, or be boastful, haughty, overbearing. No one who is divorced or married to a divorced person or living with someone before marriage can be elected to church office. (63, 64)








To demonstrate a positive social witness by abstaining from all forms of gambling (260.4)






The Wesleyan Church believes in the miraculous use of languages and the interpretation of languages in its biblical and historical setting.  But it is contrary to the Word of God to teach that speaking in an unknown tongue or the gift of tongues is the evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit or of that entire sanctification which the baptism accomplishes; therefore, only a language readily understood by the congregation is to be used in public worship. The Wesleyan Church believes that the use of an ecstatic prayer language has no clear scriptural sanction, or any pattern of established historical usage in the Church; therefore, the use of such a prayer language shall not be promoted among us. (260.9)





To seek only the leading of the Holy Spirit and to abstain from all forms

of spiritism, such as the occult, witchcraft, astrology and other similar practices. (260.2)




Special Directions

Most denominations have two lists using various names, these denominations often used “Special Directions” or “national reform” as the titles. At the beginning this list was often a place for “social statements” to the church regarding social issues in the world—like prohibition or blue laws. However since the “rules” (now Membership commitments) are binding and members are asked to promise to live in submission to those them, this “special directions” list often becomes a repository for the binding rules that the church still wants to “admonish members about but does not want to use as in-or-out criteria. The first list is constitutional—to change it requires an elaborate constitutional revision process including going back to districts and even to other general conferences in the world. This second list “Special Directions” is statutory and can thus be changed by simple majority vote of any general conference.


Pilgrim Holiness, 1950

Special Rules (63-83)

Lifestyle “Special Rules” are included in this table with the Church Covenant above, the reform rules are listed here.

Wesleyan Methodist, 1951

National reform (390-394)

Expected that all members will use their influence to favor these positions.”

Wesleyan, 1968

Special Directions (186-198)

Christians ought to manifest social concern for the transformation of society as a testimony.

Wesleyan, 2004

The special directions are not required as promises of members but “are official admonitions to the members, ministers and officials of The Wesleyan Church” in order to “provide guidelines” for a testimony on these issues. (400)


Public schools


All members and ministers will favor the use of the Bible in schools. (391)

The Wesleyan Church believes the public schools should do full justice to the large place the Judeo-Christian tradition in our American heritage. (187:7) and protests inclusion of such questionable items as social dancing in public school curriculum.

Public School Activities. The Wesleyan Church protests the inclusion of such questionable items as social dancing in the public school curriculum and maintains the right of its members to seek exemption from participation by their children in all matters that are contrary to scriptural doctrines and principles as expressed in the Articles of Religion, Covenant Membership Commitments or Elementary Principles of The Wesleyan Church, without prejudice to academic standing.  (410.9)

…The Wesleyan Church further affirms its belief in the public school’s duty to do full justice to the large place of the Judeo-Christian tradition in our American heritage, and its conviction that the Bible is an appropriate book for reading in the public schools and that the right of students to pray should not be abridged.  (410.8)

Military chaplains


Chaplains should not be abolished (392)





Sunday sales should cease. (393)

TWC opposes legalization of merchandising on the Lord’s Day. (187:6)

Merchandising on the Lord’s Day. The Wesleyan Church opposes the legalization of merchandising on the Lord’s Day (cf. 265:1). (410.7)

Christian nation


“It is the bounded duty of all members to work to secure an amendment to National and state constitutions so that the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God shall be inserted in the State and National constitutions.” (394)

TWC advocates Congressional laws providing for the free exercise of religion in national life allowing for reference to God in government life. (187:7)

Religion in Public Life. The Wesleyan Church, believing that it is possible to allow recognition of God and the invoking of His aid in public functions without violating the Constitution of the United States, advocates the enactment of suitable legislation by the Congress which will strengthen the present provision for the free exercise of religion in national life and allow reference to, or the invoking of the aid of God, in any governmental or public document, proceeding, activity, ceremony or institution. (410.8)


Peace, war & the draft

“Inasmuch as many of our people believe that military warfare is contrary to the teaching of the new testament…while others” [believe it is an obligation] we lend our moral support  [to conscious objectors]. (76) “We are opposed to compulsory peace-time military training.”(76.2)

“Since war results in so much suffering in the bodies, minds and souls of men, is costly in the destruction of property, leaving heavy burdens upon succeeding generations, producing much of the baser passions of life, we urge men and nations seek by every legitimate means to avoid armed conflict.” A citizen’s first duty is to God.  (396)

“Since war results in so much suffering in the bodies, minds and souls of men, is costly in the destruction of property, leaving heavy burdens upon succeeding generations, producing much of the baser passions of life, we urge men and nations seek by every legitimate means to avoid armed conflict.” Urges prayer for those in authority and for the quick return of the Prince of Peace. (187:2) Recognizes responsibility of a person to enter military service of their country but will support any among us who is a sincere conscientious objector and asks to serve his country as a non-combatant. (187:3)

Peace. The Wesleyan Church, knowing that war results in great suffering for the bodies, minds and souls of men and women, staggering economic loss with its legacy of debt for future generations, and the unleashing of the baser passions of life, urges that persons and nations seek by every legitimate means to avoid armed conflict among the peoples and nations of the world. The Wesleyan Church also urges that holy people everywhere pray earnestly for those in authority, so that peace may prevail (1 Tim. 2:2), and for the quick return of the Prince of Peace.  (410.2)

Military Service. The Wesleyan Church teaches respect for properly constituted civil authority and the proper loyalty to one’s country. It recognizes the responsibility of the individual to answer the call of government and to enter into military service. However, there are those within the fellowship of The Wesleyan Church who believe that military service is contrary to the teaching of the New Testament and that their consciences are violated by being compelled to take part in such. The Wesleyan Church will therefore lend moral support to any member who asks and claims exemption by legal processes from military service as a sincere conscientious objector and who asks to serve one’s country as a noncombatant. (410.3)

Equal rights



Upholds the right of individuals to equal opportunity politically, economically and religiously pledging itself to bring about dignity and happiness of all men everywhere. (187:1)

Equal Rights. The Wesleyan Church upholds the right of all individuals to equal opportunity politically, economically and religiously, and pledges itself to an active effort to bring about the possession of dignity and happiness by all people everywhere (cf. 220; 265:10, 11; 360:3d). (410.1)  




The Wesleyan Church seeks the prohibition by law of the manufacture sale purchase ad use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics and other harmful drugs unless for mechanical, chemical or medicinal purposes. (187:4)


Moral purity



We abhor ignoring God’s laws of chastity and purity and vigorously oppose public acceptance of sexual promiscuity and everything that promotes it. (187:5) 

Human Sexuality. The Wesleyan Church abhors the trend to ignore God’s laws of chastity and purity, and vigorously opposes public acceptance of sexual promiscuity and all factors and practices which promote it. The Wesleyan Church maintains a biblical view of human sexuality which makes the sexual experience, within the framework of marriage, a gift of God to be enjoyed as communion of a man and woman, as well as for the purpose of procreation. Sexual relationships outside of marriage and sexual relationships between persons of the same sex are immoral and sinful. The depth of the sinfulness of homosexual practice is recognized, and yet we believe the grace of God sufficient to overcome both the practice of such activity and the perversion leading to its practice. (410.5)




Only a language readily understood by the congregation is to be used in worship; teaching that speaking on tongues is the proof of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in contrary to the Bible and the church. (190)





God is able to heal and prayer for healing shall be encouraged (191)

430. Healing. The truth that Jesus is both able and willing to heal the body as well as the human soul, whenever such healing is for His glory, is clearly set forth in God’s Word and attested by the experience of many of His people at the present day. Prayer for healing according to the pattern set forth in the Scriptures shall be encouraged.

Christian liberty



God has given us liberty but liberty should not be construed as license; we realize there are differences of opinion and we should seek to avoid offending the brother and avoid being a stumbling bock to weaker brothers. (192)


440. Christian Liberty. Christ, through His death on the cross, has freed His followers from sin and from bondage to the law. Christians are “called unto liberty” (Gal. 5:13 KJV), and are not under the law as a means of salvation. They are rather exhorted, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1 KJV). This liberty, however, is not to be construed as license (Gal. 5:13).  Rather, love for Christ constrains the Christian to live righteously and holily as God demands. By the Spirit of God, His laws are written on the heart (Heb. 8:10). So Christians resist evil and cleave to the good, not in order to be saved, but because they have been saved. Within the bounds of Christian liberty, there will be differences of opinion. In such cases, the believer seeks to avoid offending other believers.  The stronger one is mindful of the opinions of the one with the weaker conscience (1 Cor. 8 and 10), and is careful not to put a stumbling block in another’s way (1 Cor. 10:24; Gal 5:13). On the other hand, the weak does not criticize the strong (1 Cor. 10:29-30), for the conscience of the weak may need instruction. The recognition and exercise of that liberty which Christ affords will glorify God and promote the unity of the Church.


Christian unity



TWC is cooperative and seeks unity and fellowship with other Christians but does not believe there should be one all-inclusive ecclesiastical organization. (193)

450. Christian Unity. The Wesleyan Church, having originated through merger between those of like precious faith, is fully committed to that true Christian unity which is based on scriptural truth and the fellowship of the Spirit, and deplores the separation or division of Christians over peripheral and nonessential matters. While The Wesleyan Church opposes the building of one all-inclusive ecclesiastical organization which regards  neither scriptural doctrine nor practice, it welcomes fellowship with those who are committed to the same doctrines and standards of holy living, and cooperation across denominational lines with those who hold the cardinal doctrines of the Christian religion revealed in the Bible.





All we have is owned by God and we believe storehouse tithing is Scriptural and a member should tithe into the church where they belong—The Wesleyan church is the storehouse for a tenth but we urge members to contribute free will offerings beyond the tithe. (195-196)

460. Meaning of Stewardship. The Scriptures teach that God is the owner of all persons and all things, that people are His stewards of both life and possessions, that God’s ownership and one’s stewardship ought to be acknowledged, and that every person shall be held personally accountable to God for the exercise of their stewardship (cf. 265:3). God, as a God of system and order in all of His ways, has established a system of giving which acknowledges His ownership and humankind’s stewardship. To this end all His children should faithfully tithe and present offerings for the support of the gospel.

465. Storehouse Tithing. Storehouse tithing is a scriptural and practical performance of faithfully and regularly placing the tithe into that church to which the member belongs. Therefore, the financing of the church shall be based on the plan of storehouse tithing, and The Wesleyan Church shall be regarded by all its people as the storehouse. All who are a part of The Wesleyan Church are urged to contribute faithfully one-tenth of all their increase as a minimum financial obligation to the Lord and freewill offerings in addition as God has prospered them.


Fund raising



The church shall be supported by tithing and no other method that detracts form the Gospel message. (197)

470. Methods of Fund Raising. In the light of the scriptural teaching concerning the giving of tithes and offerings (cf. 465) for the support of the gospel, and for the erection of church buildings, no Wesleyan church should engage in any method of fund raising which would detract from these principles, hinder the gospel message, sully the name of the Church, discriminate against the poor, or misdirect the people’s energies from promoting the gospel.


Wills & bequests



Members should prepare an will remembering The Wesleyan church. (198)

475. Wills, Bequests and Annuities. It is essential in the exercise of Christian stewardship that careful thought be given as to what shall be done with one’s estate after death. Civil laws often do not provide for the distribution of an estate in such a way as to glorify God. Each Christian should give careful attention to the preparation of a last will and testament in a careful and legal manner, and The Wesleyan Church and its various ministries through the local church, the district, world missions, extension and evangelism, education and benevolences are recommended for consideration. The General Director of Stewardship Ministries is prepared to assist in these matters (2070-2075; 4240; 4940).


Substance abuse




Substance Abuse. The Wesleyan Church is opposed to the production, sale, purchase and use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics and other harmful drugs, unless for mechanical, chemical or medicinal purposes (cf. 265:4). The unprescribed use of hallucinogens, stimulants and depressants, and the misuse and abuse of regularly prescribed medicines should be prohibited; only on competent medical advice and under medical supervision should such drugs be used.  (410.4)

Divorce & remarriage




Divorce and Remarriage. On the basis of a careful study of the Scriptures, and in keeping with its Covenant Membership Commitments (265:5), The Wesleyan Church teaches the following with reference to divorce and remarriage after divorce:

(a)   To obtain a divorce on other than scriptural grounds is a sin against God and humanity. Such putting asunder of what God has joined is a direct and deliberate act of disobedience against both the Law and the Gospel. It separates one from God and subjects a member to Church discipline (5115; 5120).

(b)   However, recognizing the fallen state of humanity, divorce has been recognized in the Scriptures as a valid and permanent dissolution of marriage with all its rights and responsibilities. Divorce is not reversible. There is no way to “restore” a dissolved marriage. The divorced (unmarried) status can be changed only by a new marriage to the same person or another person. No divorced and remarried person has two spouses, only a former spouse and a present spouse, as in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 7.

(c)   Divorce, however sinful the act and however serious the consequences, is not “unpardonable.” A redeemed sinner or reclaimed backslider is “free” to marry “in the Lord” or to remain unmarried, a eunuch for the kingdom of God’s sake. The one exception to this freedom of choice is mentioned by the Apostle Paul. It is a believer who disobeys the commandment of God and puts away a believing spouse.  That person must remain unmarried to leave room for reconciliation to the spouse (1 Cor. 7).

(d)   The right to remarry in no way excuses the sin of divorce. It only implies that the Church must forgive and restore those whom the Lord forgives and restores. Neither penance nor penalty remain to the truly penitent and restored sinner, or backslider, whatever the traumatic consequences of the sin may be. (410.6)


Judicial oaths




Judicial Oaths. The Wesleyan Church reserves for its members the right to affirm the truth in testimony before the civil and criminal courts rather than to engage in a judicial oath. (410.10)





Abortion. The Wesleyan Church seeks to recognize and preserve the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and, thus, is opposed to the use of induced abortion. However, it recognizes that there may be rare pregnancies where there are grave medical conditions threatening the life of the mother, which could raise a serious question about taking the life of the unborn child. In such a case, a decision should be made only after very prayerful consideration following medical and spiritual counseling. The Wesleyan Church encourages its members to become informed about the abortion issue and to become actively involved locally and nationally in the preparation and passage of appropriate legislation guaranteeing protection of life under law to unborn children. (410.11)





Use of Leisure Time. The Wesleyan Church believes that its members should exercise responsible stewardship of their leisure time.  This will include careful regulation of the use in the home of mass media, such as current literature, radio and television, guarding the home against the encroachment of evil (cf. 265:6). It will also involve witnessing against social evils by appropriate forms of influence, the refusal to participate in social dancing, the refusal to patronize the motion picture theater (cinema), together with other commercial ventures as they feature the cheap, the violent or the sensual and pornographic, and the refusal to engage in playing games which tend to be addictive or conducive to gambling (cf. 265:4). (410.12)





Modesty in Attire. The Wesleyan Church believes that our people should provide clear testimony to Christian purity and modesty by properly clothing the body and by dressing with Christian simplicity. (410.13)








So, what do you think?

Click here to comment or read comments for the first few weeks after this posting


Keith Drury March 18, 2008

Keith Drury is Associate Professor of Religion at Indiana Wesleyan University


Other columns on Membership Matters.

~ Abortion, alcohol & Wesleyans  

~ Church Membership in early church 

~ The church’s right to require thing? ...

~ Minimum Membership Requirements

~ Lowering Church Membership Standards

~ Augustine’s Process for New Members

~ Membership Standards in the Didache

~ Membership rules from Bible?

~ The church & Binding & loosing ... 

~ So how do YOU do Binding/loosing Drury

~ Who says what the Bible says?

~ membership requirements not in Scripture?.

~ Membership minimums & Ideals: 

~ Summary of “rules” of Wesleyan Church

~ Jewelry & beer  

~  SinAlert device –social drinkers

~ Membership PowerPoiint  (W Mich)

~ I’m a Tee Totaler

     For reference: 2004 Discipline

   ~ Articles of religion,  

   ~ Membership Commitments,   

   ~ Special Directions    

~ Past discipline Changes