100 Teaching Tips

for Teachers of Adults in Christian Education

This is our list of 104 Teaching Tip s for adult Sunday school, teachers. We put this together during the final two weeks of our “Teaching the Bible to Adults” class at Indiana Wesleyan University during the Fall semester of 2006. Our idea was to compile a list of “Teaching tips” we could use to email a tip-of-the-week to adult Sunday school teachers for two years by coy-pasting them from this “inventory” then revising them to suit our own use. If you happened to find these hidden away where we filed them secretly you are free to use them too… we just ask you to drop a note to our learning coach at keith.drury@indwes.edu so he can forward it to us.

group3(Back) Michael Berens; Nate Thompson; Matt Tapper; Joel Clark; Rachel Cline;  Paul Knight;

(Middle) Justin Warner; Kayleigh Delk; Burke Sullivan; Laura Campbell;

(Front) Sarah Knowles;

Brooke Jones; Tyler Murphy; Jess Manglos;

Megan Hollars; Candida Reynolds; Keith Drury,  Learning coach (took the picture)

Teaching Tip #1

Breaking the Pairs – This week get you students moving by breaking them into pairs. To make it even more interesting, have the students find more than one partner, and switch it up during the class time. These teaching methods will not only get your students working one on one, but it will also give them a chance to work with several different people one on one. Most adults desire more interaction with more people, but they don’t know how to make the first move. Let this be your chance to help facilitate new friendships and stronger community. Keep up the great work; I already see deep friendships developing in your class!

Teaching Tip #2

Not-Saying – This week put a spin on the most popular question, “What does this passage say to you?” Rather turn the question around to ask, “What does this passage not say to you?” Many students enjoy seeing things from a new vantage point when they are studying the Bible. If this is a question that you don’t ask very often, ‘tease’ their brains by changing up their perspective a bit. Continue to dig deep for those teachable, creative questions!

Teaching Tip #3

Praying through the Scriptures – Praying is a routine part of your Bible Study or Class, but this week try praying through Scripture as a body of believers. Maybe start with Ephesians 1:15-22 or Colossians 4. This method takes basic topical Scripture, and turns it into powerful prayers for our loved ones and for us. God’s word moves the Spirit in unique and deep ways. Embrace this experience with your students. Thank you for your commitment to be prayer warriors for your class!

 Teaching Tip #4

Experiential Learning – Everyone loves playing games! Just because we are adults doesn’t mean we lost our itch to be goofy and funny. Search online this week for some new classroom initiatives or outdoor low-ropes initiatives that will help build the community in your classroom. Connecting you main points and Biblical concepts with a challenging initiative can deeply ingrain lasting memory in them minds of your students. Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box, and surprise them with something a little more unusual and surprising!

Teaching Tip #5

Give Notes – Most of your students are probably use to getting notes every Sunday morning from the Pastor. This week try to utilize the same concept in your Bible Study, and provide an outline of notes for what you will be teaching. This will provide your students with structure, organization, and key points that they can actually be carried home in their hand. If you are already giving notes, maybe try a new format or style in note taking. An added bonus to this tip- it will help you prepare for the night as well!

Teaching Tip #6

Don’t Say Um – This week I want to send a small reminder tip, “Don’t say um.” Some of you out there may have conquered the temptation to use filler words in public speaking. I find that people generally say “um” or “uh” without noticing the habit. Utilize your teaching time for more than just imparting knowledge. Become more aware of how you can improve any of your speaking skills. Not only will you have more confidence in yourself, but the students will probably notice a change too! Keep up the hard work!

Teaching Tip #7

Art – Have you ever thought about incorporating art into your Bible study? Art can be anything from painting, to making cards for someone, to working on a potter’s wheel with clay. It you use some form of art in your teaching, you get people to use their creative side. Art is also a way to let the people in your group physically take something away from the lesson. Dare to be creative this week and see what happens.   

Teaching Tip #8

Teachable Moment – When you are teaching, and something unexpected happens, go with it. A teachable moment is sometimes where the most growth can take place. Don’t try to go looking for a teachable moment, but do recognize that if an event occurs, or topic comes up that was not planned out, use that moment to draw a lesson from it. Keep up the good work and maybe add the “teachable moment method” to your arsenal.  

Teaching Tip #9

Outline – A way to keep track of all the ideas being covered in class. By using an outline, people can clearly see the points you are making and how they connect to one another. An outline also makes it easier for someone to take their own notes. Try an outline this week and get some feedback from your group to see what they think about it.

Teaching Tip #10

Humor – Use a funny illustration or tell a joke. This is a great way to keep your group engaged and relaxed. It can be used as filler, or to keep the mood light. Remember that laughter is something that everyone can identify with. Your all are doing a great job at communicating, but it never hurts to laugh a little.

Teaching Tip #11

Give Handouts – This could be a sheet that has the schedule for that evenings Bible study, notes on what was talked about, or a story that was a supplement to the teaching. Handouts are nice because each person can take material with them when they leave. People can use the handouts as a reference later in life, or just to refresh their mind as to what has been taught. I encourage you to keep up the good work and also to try a handout this week.  


Teaching Tip #12

Use Repetition – Without using the exact same words, repeat the same idea. If you use repetition, the point will sink in. It helps the people in your group to follow along and it’s a way of emphasizing what you want to get across. As you prepare for Bible study this week, try to work repetition into your lesson.


Teaching Tip #13

Use Commentaries – This week try to use Biblical commentaries to further emphasis your message or topic. Commentaries can really help you and your students see what some well respected theologians have said regarding your text. Your students are used to just reading the text and thinking for themselves. In the classroom, you should be encouraging further depth learning through utilizing things like commentaries. Remember, what you are doing is making a difference, hold on to that fact!


Teaching Tip #14

Create Debate – This week create some loving controversy in your class. A lot of times, our classes lack divisions and thereby don’t force students to take ownership of their views. Your students can sometimes skate by in the classroom because they aren’t challenged with opposing views. In the classroom, you need to teach them that there will be other views in the real world (outside the classroom). Help them see these views and debate them. One simple change can make a world of a difference.


Teaching Tip #15

Give Homework – This week do what?! Yes, give homework. Why do you think that you know how do to addition? It’s because homework instilled that skill in your brain. Your students don’t all learn by hearing things the first time. In the classroom, don’t be afraid to utilize age old techniques of instilling information in your student’s minds. Even if that means giving the past “dreaded” homework. Who knows, maybe they’ll like it! Remember, new ideas are just old ideas with different haircuts!


Teaching Tip #16

Show a Film– This week watch a movie that deals with or relates to the topic you are discussing. Don’t be afraid of media in teaching. A lot of the younger generation listens to films more than lectures. Your students are used to watching things that catch their attention. Why not catch their attention with an appropriate movie and then discuss it? In the classroom, you have an opportunity to show that even films can be redeemed for teaching. Isn’t God great that He can use all things for his glory?


Teaching Tip #17

Panel Discussion – This week bring in a group of people to discuss the topic that you are talking about. Don’t be offended, but sometimes when it is just you, it’s boring. Bring in a group of couples of different ages and have them discuss troubles and happy things. It’s great to get a group of people up there with different life experiences to let your students ask them any questions they might have. Try that this week and let me know how it goes. Maybe I could use some of your people in my class!


Teaching Tip #18

Memorization – This week have a memory verse to have your students study for the next week. In today’s modern Christianity, we seem to underemphasize the importance of memorizing Scripture. Don’t buy into this modern fallacy. Help instill the importance of memorizing the words of God back into the classroom. When Jesus was tempted in the desert, the words of God memorized is what helped Him fight Satan. Let us fight Satan with our teaching and love.


Teaching Tip #19

Play Music – This week use music to teach a lesson. Use a song that has changed your life or communicates a deep spiritual message. Music is being redeemed back to God just like we are and can be used to teach. Music is an effective teaching tool that is neglected in many classrooms. By handing out lyrics and explaining ideas, you can really communicate things that normal words could never say. I know many of you are musically talented. Why not share some of the music you have created?


Teaching Tip #20

Allow Group Input - Plan certain places in your lesson for class discussion and participation. When adults have an opportunity to discuss what is being taught, it allows them to take ownership on the topic. This can also break up the lesson so that they do not loose the interest of the class. This time of discussion does not need to take a large amount of time away from your lesson. It is also not important that every one speaks, but some so that other points of view can be seen and discussed. I would encourage you to allow input from the group this week in your lesson and give your students a way to own what they are learning.



Teaching Tip #21

Boldness and Strength from God - When speaking in front of any group of people keep in mind that God will give us boldness and strength when presenting his word. If we seem nervous or unsure of what we are saying, it can distract those listening away from what is being taught and the focus becomes our nervousness. Please take the time to pray to God for his strength and boldness while teaching if being nervous is something you struggle with. This week let us approach the teaching of God’s word with the boldness and strength that God has promised to provide to us.


Teaching Tip #22

Watch how you approach teaching - When teaching it is important to watch how things are presented to the students. If a teacher is constantly saying you need to do this, you need to do that, it can come across as attacking or condescending. We need to be encouraging our brothers and sisters in Christ to make life changes to be more like Christ not accusing them of all wrongs. Please keep in mind this week as you prepare your lesson, how you are coming across to your students, are you attacking them or encouraging them to become more like Jesus?


Teaching Tip #23

Pop Quiz - By planning a pop quiz for the students in their class, a teacher can more extensively tell what their class knows and what they do not know. As a teacher it is our responsibility to make sure that our students are understanding what we are teaching and also that new things are being learned. Be sure to inform the students that this is simply a measure for you to know what needs to be covered more extensively and what needs to be covered at all in lessons. I would encourage you to examine how well you know your students this week and consider using a pop quiz to enhance their learning experience.


Teaching Tip #24

Retrace the Thoughts - After having a time when the class has submitted ideas that are written down somewhere, take the time to go over what is said and connect it all back together and to the original prompt. This can be a great source of review, especially if the ideas were collected in a previous class. When the thoughts are retraced it allows every one in the class to clearly connect everything that has been said back together and clear up any misunderstandings. It is a great partner technique to sharing and discussing. In order to help your class interact and learn at the same time, consider adding this into the lesson whenever you use discussion.


Teaching Tip #25

Pragmatism - This is simply the immediate application of scripture into each individual life. Every time a truth is extracted from scripture, have a life application ready to share with the class so that they can immediately know one way in which they could improve their walk. This can also be a great tool with a class that tends to zone out from time to time, it allows them to hear the application right away and not have to wait until the end of the class session. I would encourage you to use pragmatism this week and see how much more your students are applying the truths to their lives.

Teaching Tip #26

Inductive Bible Study – This week intrigue your class by helping them discover what the biblical text is actually saying in its original context, and then encourage them to see how the biblical principle can be applied to life today.  This teaching method challenges you and your students to dig into the bible and discover the cultural-historical context behind the stories they’ve heard before.  Try this inductive bible study method and see how much more your students will understand!


Teaching Tip #27

Put Yourself in the Story – This week teach your bible study in a way that places your students in the midst of the plot of the story!  Encourage your students to place themselves in the story, walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, so to say.  Your students will be able to relate to what is being taught if they can place themselves in the situation.  Movies evoke emotions all the time, and bible studies can do the same!


Teaching Tip #28

Small Group Discussion – It’s no secret that people enjoy talking!  Small groups allow the chance for all members of the bible study to get involved in conversation.  Try having small group discussions, and I bet you’ll notice your quiet students opening up more.  Small groups offer a time of more personal sharing.  Try this bible teaching method, and see how it will open up class into more conversation!


Teaching Tip #29

Ponder – Surprise the talkative people in your bible study groups with giving them a command of silence.  Having a moment of silence during a bible study so the students can ponder a specific question is a great way to allow the class to connect with the Holy Spirit on a one-on-one basis.  Encourage them to hear what the Spirit is saying to them.  You’ll be amazed at how a little silence can be so spiritually loud!


Teaching Tip #30

Q & A – This week engage your bible study group into a session of questioning and answering.  Try reading a passage of Scripture together and ask them specific, fast-paced questions about what you are reading.  You’re students will probably be surprised to discover that they can find out so much about the passage just by breaking it down and answering simple questions one at a time.  Continue to help your students interact with the Word of God!


Teaching Tip #31

Spectrum Bible Study – Not everyone understands the Bible in the same way.  This is probably true for your bible study group too.  To help unite the varying views, try doing a spectrum bible study.  This is where you provide a wide range of how people understand the passage (for example, the story of Jonah and the fish – some see it as a literal event while others say it is only symbolic).  I encourage you to take note of the differences of opinion in your bible study group, and make something positive out of it!


Teaching Tip #32

Use Different Forms of Media – Using different forms of media will spice up your class and will help the class pay attention.  This week try using a video, music, pictures or other form of media.  Media is a great way to gain the attention of the class as well as providing the class with a means of remembering the principle being taught.  Have a discussion or a time of reflection after the class that allows the class to integrate the lesson with presentation.  Because our society is so used to being entertained, this is a great way to gain the attention of the class and possibly facilitate growth.  Give this method a try and see what kind of results you get, you might be surprised at them!


Teaching Tip #33

Comparing – A great way to get your class thinking is to compare two different things and relate them to a lesson plan.  This week try comparing darkness and light and relate that to our lives as Christians.  This form of teaching leaves the class with a tangible way to remember the lesson and use it in their daily lives.  Using this method may also encourage participation and response in your class.  They may ask questions or give their insight on the subject because they can see tangibly how it relates to them. I really think your class would enjoy getting into this kind of a lesson!  Give it a try!


Teaching Tip #34

Cooking – Trust me!  If you use this method of teaching, you will have a class that doesn’t forget this lesson for the rest of their lives!  Honestly, how often have you seen food used as a method of teaching?  Of course we have breakfast foods or snacks during our time together, but do we actually use it to teach.  This week try preparing a lesson by using food.  Think about how a recipe can be used as an expression of how God uses the gives and talents of people to come together to make something sweet and wonderful.  Think about how often Jesus sat down with people to teach while enjoying a meal.  Try making some ethnic foods from the Middle East that will give the class insight to the culture at the time.  Using this method will most certainly leave your class with one memorable experience!

Teaching Tip #35

Life Experiences – This method is a very personal way of relating to and teaching your class.  Use a personal experience, one either experienced by yourself, or one that you have heard of, and use it to show a specific principle and a character trait of God, like faithfulness.  This method will instantly get you connected to the class if you use a personal life experience.  They will know you truly wish to invest in them because of your willingness to share your experiences.  Give this method a try this week and enjoy sharing your life and what God has done for you with your class.  Thank you so much for your willingness to teach and share so that our brothers and sisters can grow in their relationship with our Savior!


Teaching Tip #36

Balance–this week, pause for a moment and access if you are teaching in a balanced way! We are using a lot of teaching methods to communicate a lot of information…but we must remember to have balance in all things. Find the happy medium, build bridges, meet in the middle. It is important to remember that we cannot go to one extreme or the other, but that people respond well to a sense of balance in all things. I know that we all try to do this, but let keep up the good work and continue to be well-rounded individuals.


Teaching Tip #37

Summarization – This week try summarizing a particular topic and using that summarization to get the class involved in discussion or interaction with the lesson.  Summarization is a great way to cover large topics and integrate teaching methods.  You can summarize a topic and get the class to break into groups and look at different aspects that they will share with the class later.  This gives you the opportunity to get them involved and cover greater amounts of material in more detail.  Try summarizing some topics this week for your class and see they kinds of information they can gain from it!


Teaching Tip #38

Word Studies – Try using Strong’s Concordance to track the usage of words throughout the Bible.  A good way to use this method would be to look up words that you may stumble across as a class and find all of the different usages and meanings.  This will help the class gain a better understanding of the scriptures and also gets them involved in the class.  You may also want to ask the class about some topics that they would like to find passages of scripture about, and then use a concordance to assist them in finding passages the Holy Spirit may be able to speak through. Use this method to help get the class focused on the Word of God!  Watch as see what He can do through this method!


Teaching Tip #39

Speak Clearly- This week make sure your tongue and lips are working well with your brain. Sometimes a speaker can have the greatest meaning but forget to move their lips and mouth with good pronunciation. Your students will respect you if you articulate each word, with a wide-open mouth and a tight tongue. So open wide and press your tongue to the top of your mouth and let the Holy spirit flow out. You are going to do great as you already are.


Teaching Tip #40

Illustrate it! - This week take time to think about the more complex points about your lesson and think of how you can explain them though illustrations. In the Bible there are complex words and concepts and a good story can put the meaning into the listener’s mind a little easier. Your students will appreciate a good story throughout the lesson and if it is a personal story, it will be all the better. You have great stories and are going to do great.


Teaching Tip #41

Smile like you mean it! – This week evaluate your facial expressions throughout the whole class. Good speakers know how to inflect their face when it is appropriate. People get bored with speakers who don’t move their face. A smile during a joyous time in the lesson will help convey actual joy, and a frown or sincere eyes will help show that you mean what you are saying.  Show those teeth, smile wide and show what you mean.


Teaching Tip #42


Voice Inflection- This week keep a voice recorder on as you practice your lesson and listen for changes in tone of voice. Good speakers know how to emphasize everything they say with an appropriate tone to meet what they are trying to say.  It is very easy to tune out when a person is talking if it is all the same tone. So imagine an emotion that would match what you are trying to say and meet that with a facial expression. Use those vocal chords that God gave you and through out some different pitches. We all know that you have such a beautiful voice.


Teaching Tip #43

To the point- This week find way to fit everything that you want to say in a few select points. After finishing your lesson planning for the week, see what you have and try to simplify. People are not capable of taking away the whole Bible in one sitting. Give them simple pieces to chew on at a time and the practicality will be in effect that much more. Slice and dice those messages of yours and find the simple point that God wants you to convey. We know that you have a lot of wisdom, but feed them a little at a time.


Teaching Tip #44

Authenticity- This week try being yourself and let people actually see the real you. Sharing yourself and your struggles will allow people to know that you are speaking honestly. This will change everything about how people will look at and learn from you. Even in your illustrations try to make them personal stories. So scrape the memoirs of your brain and tell your class about who you are in Christ. They will love you as we do.


Teaching Tip #45

Questions anyone? – This week in between each point you should ask the class a question that the class could actually answer.  This will help the class to think critically and find the answers in side of themselves. Students in the class can tune out and not ever apply the message to their own lives.  Asking questions can also help you, the teacher, know what the class’s spiritual needs are. So grab some question marks, put them at the end of some sentences, and ask away.  You got it this week!

Teaching Tip #46

Get Dramatic – This week engage your students with a dramatic encounter.  Drama is a great way to not only engage those students that will be involved in the drama but also the audience.  You can normally find at least a few in your class that would be willing to get up and act out a scene or story for you.  Your students are used to having a lot of visual stimuli and what better to get them engaged in a story of the Bible than to place them into a drama where they get to become the characters.  This may be hard to initiate at first but I guarantee it will be a favorite of yours as well as your students.  Try it and see how you like it incorporated into your classroom; it was a great addition to mine!


Teaching Tip #47

Imagine If – Our imaginations can take us places we have never been; they are powerful things.  This week try to encourage your students to close their eyes and to imagine being in the place of the character that you are talking about.  As the teacher, you want to be prepared for this, by having many descriptions of the surroundings such as what they can feel, touch, or smell.  You may even want to go to the extent of bringing in things to help them experience the story through imagination.  You provide some key elements but they get to fill in visually what they see.  This internalizes the story much better than just telling it.  Now I ask you, imagine what it would be like if you tried this in your classroom.  It might just blow you away the impact that it can have!


Teaching Tip #48

Flex-ability– Have you ever planned your lesson but when you got to class you never got to that topic?  Sometimes the best thing you can do is have the ability to flex your agenda.  Many times things will not go as you planned, as I am sure some of you know about, but that does not mean all was lost.  Rather, it could be an opportunity from God to go another route in which someone really needed to be spoken to.  When teaching always be flexible to follow as the Holy Spirit leads.  You all do a great job with this but sometimes it is a great reminder that we don’t have to make sure it all goes as it was planned, we can be flexible and that is ok!


Teaching Tip #49

Know “Joe” – This week, spend some extra time just getting to know some of those in your class.  When you know your students it is much easier to relate God’s message to them because you can personalize it.  Also by knowing exactly who you are teaching it gives you an advantage in planning your class.  Some people will not share with a large group but have great ideas to share.  If you know this then you can make sure to include small group time in which they have an opportunity to share.  Relationships really are a key change element.  Try putting some time aside this week just to build on those great relationships you already have.


Teaching Tip #50

Begin with the end in mind – This week I want to challenge you in your planning to start at the end.  Set goals that you want to have achieved by the end of the lesson.  By doing this it sets the tone for the rest of the lesson, keeping it focused and precise.  I know in my own planning or speaking I end up going on rabbit trails, which can leave a person wondering where you are going at all.  If you have clearly defined goals to achieve, it gives you something to climax to in your lesson.  Try it this week in your planning that before anything else that you sit down and decide what your goals or objectives are for you, your students, and the class after this lesson.  It gives each lesson a clear sense of purpose as well!


Teaching Tip #51

The Wait – This week we are focusing on the ever present need for a pause.  Many times when speaking to a group of people you get reactions just as you would if you were speaking one on one.  If the audience reacts to something you said with laughter, whispering, or even contemplation give them time to express that.  At times this can feel awkward if you are the one speaking, but give the reaction time to die down before beginning again.  A good comedy is all about timing, as is a good speaker.  It is all about the wait.  As you teach this week, try to intentionally allow time for reaction.  You might even surprise yourself at how naturally you do this!


Teaching Tip #52

Attitude – Your attitude is a huge determiner, you will both rub of on people, and cause a great atmosphere or you will turn people away.  It is very hard to teach a class of people who are not willing to learn.  Most people will walk into the class neutral, neither in a bad mood or a good one; so your mood is imperative to keep them happy.   Try showing joy through you attitude this week set the standard high with a good attitude.



Teaching Tip #53

Show Confidence – This week try to show extra confidence in your teaching.  You all are great teacher so prove that you know your material by being clear and concise.  People know when a speaker is nervous or insecure, and it will almost always effect how well they listen.  If you show confidence in what you are saying the audience will take it as more truthful because you do not show doubt.  But be careful, you do not want to come off as arrogant, you are all doing a great job.


Teaching Tip #54

Be Transparent – this week gain the trust of your class by showing them your ability to be transparent.  Honesty gains respect and respect gains trust; this is a good way to show your intentionality to the class.  Share a personal testimony with them to show an important point.  This can be a great addition to your already great teaching skills try it out and see the new deletion it will add.


Teaching Tip #55

Bring the Energy – This week power your class by bringing the energy in yourself.  Remember they will gage themselves by how energetic YOU are, so be extra animated and gain the attention and momentum of the class by being excited.  So this week experience how the class will feed off of you and realize the power you have to set the momentum.


Teaching Tip #56

Don’t Single out – In case this has happened in the past, this week try not to single people out.  Making people feel uncomfortable is an easy way for people to leave your class.  People really like to have their comfort zone protected and they will be uncomfortable with the attention on them.  Remember this week and see if you can catch your self before, or even in the act.


Teaching Tip #57

Don’t Use Slang – In this weeks tip we are focusing on language, keep in mind that different generations use different languages; all may be English but the slang we use my confuse people.  Also even in the church people may not know some of the Bible language so make things easy to understand and use common language.  See if anyone comments on how easy your lesson was to follow through this tip.



Teaching Tip #58

Eye Contact – This week try concentrating on your eye contact, look directly into each person’s eyes so they know your are fully engaging in your and you in them.  This will also put across the fact that you are confident, while creating a tension in them that will force them to pay attention.  So this week really concentrate on looking all your students in the eye and allowing them to feel more personal.


Teaching Tip #59

Be Real – One of the most effective ways of teaching is to be authentic. This week, try to put all the fears of your quirks aside, and just be yourself! Easier said than done, I know. But trust me, try this method in your class this week and see how your students respond to you. You are all such amazing people to begin with—that’s why I chose you to be teachers! Let your class see that same person that I love.


Teaching Tip #60

Breakdown – This week, try this method of “breaking down” your lesson with detail on major or important points. This is especially important if you have young children, but can be applied to everyone. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the excitement of a point that we emphasize it without explaining it fully. However, be careful that you stay on track when you are going into detail, and don’t end up on a rabbit trail.


Teaching Tip #61

Clarity –  This week, try to work on being clear. We can become so excited that we speak fast and in incomplete sentences, making it hard for students to understand us. We may understand what we’re saying, but that’s not the point. The point is to get them to understand what we’re saying. Speaking clearly—annunciate—and speak slowly so that everyone is able to understand you.

Teaching Tip #62

Confidence –  Confidence is another effective way to teach. When you are confident about yourself and your speaking then you will command the attention of your audience. It will be difficult for your students not to listen to you! Try it this week and observe how your students listen to you. One way to gain confidence is to stand in front of a mirror and practice your lesson.


Teaching Tip #63

Dress appropriately I’m sure that this seems trivial, but you’d be surprised at the affect it can have on an audience. Ladies, make sure what you choose to wear isn’t revealing or suggestive in any way. Guys, make sure that you don’t dress too casually. When we dress appropriately, we inaudibly imply to our students that not only do we respect ourselves, but we respect them, the church and—most importantly—we respect God. We also give the implication that what we are teaching is important to us.


Teaching Tip #64

Encouragement This week, make a conscious effort to praise every student in some way. When doing Q&A, for example, praise the students who give the answers. It doesn’t matter is the answers are right or wrong because even wrong answers provoke thoughts and discussion on the topic. Learning takes place no matter what.


Teaching Tip #65

Use props – This is so much fun! This week, incorporate props into your lesson in any way possible. Most people learn best by observing a physical object while it’s being presented. This way they will be able to remember more about the lesson. It’s been proven that hands-on lessons can be more effective in helping students remember the lesson.


Teaching Tip #66

Role Playing This week get your class started with a game of Whose line is it anyway with a biblical twist. Every teacher wants interaction and communication in an adult class, so here is your chance to have it. This gives the class a way to interact with each other and creatively interpret scenes of the Bible in their own way. This will have the whole class laughing for sure. Thanks for the cookies.


Teaching Tip #67

Object Lesson –   Looking for away to make your lessons more tangible? Give the class something to grab onto; literally. Everyday of their life they get to see and hear, but almost never get to touch what they are being taught. An object lesson provides the class with away to use more of there senses to remember the lesson. Don’t forget about the gifts in your mailboxes for all your hard work.


Teaching Tip #68

Field Trip –  Who doesn’t love a field trip? It’s a chance to get away and create a biblical atmosphere, or go somewhere to learn from someone else for the night. This week change the pace and monotony of your bible study. Love, peace, and chicken grease.


Teaching Tip #69

Affirm   Everybody loves to be loved. People get enough grief outside of the Bible Study; they don’t you to add to it. So, this week show the class you love them by affirming their answers, diligence, and gifts. (I know this is something that you don’t struggle with, but it is something to think about.) Don’t forget to get some rest this week, you deserve it.


Teaching Tip #70

Gestures –  Here is a little skill that might help propel you to your next stage of teaching. Nobody likes a stiff as a board teacher. You are blessed with limbs that moves, so move them. You are blessed with a face that can describe the importance of what you teach, so wear your heart on your sleeve. Use your gestures to help drive the point home. It is all about being a better communicator. Don’t forget to dance and laugh this week.


Teaching Tip #71

Slow Down –  It is good to be able to speak really fast as an auctioneer, but not as a teacher. For this week the emphasis is on speaking clearly and slowly so that everyone in your class can follow along, even the hard of earring. Have a great week, and eat something sweet.


Teaching Tip #72

BrainstormingThis week try to remember the importance of individual thinking. Brainstorming is an excellent way to involve everyone, while learning how to understand their perspectives better. Go ahead and reach out to the whole class with this teaching method. I know you’re doing a great job already, but give it a try!

Teaching Tip #73

DiscussionThere’s nothing more mentally stimulating than an interesting, on topic class discussion! Find out what your class really thinks by posing a question that could have several answers. Get them involved with their thoughts and their lips by letting the discussion take over. You’d be surprised just how much more people will remember and learn from a class after discussing about. Try it out, you might enjoy it yourself. Other than this, keep up the good work.


Teaching Tip #74

ParaphrasingSometimes one point of view just isn’t good enough. You should try paraphrasing and see what others really think the passage is trying to say. Using one point of view could subtly steer people with opposing thoughts away, but if you give them the chance to reword it to what they think its saying then everyone in the room gets a chance to review a brand new perspective. Trust me, it’s a good thing. Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing, because it’s working!


Teaching Tip #75

ReviewAre you tired of your class never remembering what they learned last week? Well why not try out some review!? At the end of each lesson you should allow some time to review what key facts and truths you learned. Students will return the next week with the information you remember leaving them with, leaving you, with a smile on your face. So are you going to try it out? Make it fun, like the rest of your classes. Keep up the glorious work.


Teaching Tip #76

Connect with the AudienceIt’s important to make sure that you have a connection from your material to the audience. This is to say that, you shouldn’t talk about finances to a bunch of 8th graders. They wouldn’t get it, or care even if they did. That’s mom and dad’s job. Just keep in mind who you’re talking to and how you could best reach them. You’re teaching, just as any teacher can, one lesson at a time. Hang in there.


Teaching Tip #77

HonestyDo you ever get the feeling that you’re up front burning at the stake? Could you be patronizing them without even knowing it? If this is you, then it could help to be real with your students. Being genuine is the best way to interact with any class. Don’t dance around topics or try and sugar coat them. Grab some courage from your pits and use it! These people need you to be strong and let them know what’s really going on; so tell them! Seriously though you’re fine, this is just a coaching tip.

Teaching Tip #78

Use FeedbackFeedback can be one of the most useful tools out there. It allows you to know where the student is mentally. This gives you a great advantage in the field, allowing you to better prepare and strike deep into the hearts of the needy. Just be upfront and ask them what they think about things, even your teaching. Try it out! Ask ’em what they’re thinking! Keep up the great work!


Teaching Tip #79

Atlas, Maps, Artifacts – This week bring Paul’s missionary journeys’ into the classroom for a real hands on experience. Give the class maps of all Paul’s journeys what it looked like in his time and what country or area it is in present day. This will help the class see where places are and give a mental note when they are reading the scripture in study. If the Dead Sea Scrolls are coming to town check and see how your class can be a part of viewing them, this would be great when studying the Old Testament especially but if they are offered I highly recommend taking your class to see them. Enjoy this step back in time, I know your class will, keep up the great work!


Teaching Tip #80

Cave Method-This week’s tip is called the cave method because its digging deeper into a shorter passage of scripture while spending more time there to gain a more extensive understanding of the passage. Use this lesson as a time for the class to speak out about the scripture what they notice now that maybe they would have overlooked. Give them freedom to explore, think, analyze to gather a clearer picture of the portion of scripture. Take your time on this one, you’re a great listener and I appreciate your time!


Teaching Tip #81

Cross Reference-This week in your class have cross referencing Bible’s available, (you can get some from the church office if you need). Make sure each person in your class has access to one, before reading the scripture ask various members of the class to look up the related verses to that specific passage found in the cross referencing Bible. Then compare and contrast the scriptures to see what the class can learn from reading scripture associated with other passages. You’re doing great and I can’t wait to hear about your class!


Teaching Tip #82

Demonstration-Here you are free to explore your creative side! This week I am providing an example but I want to give you a little challenge to create a demonstration that would tie in well with your lesson. One example that I have participated in is foot washing. After telling the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet, have the class sit in the room in silence, you can have some music playing if you would like, but take the time to wash each persons feet and while doing so share with them how precious they are to you and to the Lord. I appreciate your humble spirit and your desire to serve others!


Teaching Tip #83

Pace/Pause– This week take some time to be conscious of your speed and the pauses you use! Speed is important both ways; there is too fast, and there is too slow. Try to use speed variation to keep the students engaged. One way to do this is to use intentional pause. This gives the students a mental break and helps them to catch up to you and you plow through full speed a head. So, all of that you say, you’re amazing teachers, and I simply wanted to remind you to use speed to your advantage, whether fast or slow, variation will draw people it!


Teaching Tip #84

Journaling-This week encourage your class to journal, they may already do this but try to get them ahead of time to bring their journal or a notebook that they can write their thoughts and reflections in. I encourage you to take your journal and find an entry that you are comfortable sharing to give the class an example of what can be found in a journal. Let them know that this is a place where they can release anger and frustrations but also a place to rest and find peace. Encourage them to keep up their journaling because the fascinating part is looking back and seeing where you grow and how the Lord has answered prayer. You’re great and I enjoy being able to share with you!


Teaching Tip #85

Accountability – We are all familiar with accountability and how it can revolutionize relationships, but have you ever thought about trying it in the classroom?  It is a powerful way to engage the class as a whole and get everyone involved in forming relationships and opening up to each other.  When people in a class don’t know each other very well, it is hard for them to be honest and transparent with each other, which results in a lack of growth both personally and collectively.  So if you haven’t tried utilizing accountability in your class, it could be the one thing that brings it all together that you’ve been seeking for years.  Keep up the good work!



Teaching Tip #86

Dialoguing – Dialoguing is a simple and easy way to keep things moving in class.  Dialoguing can be like discussion, or you could trying staging a person-to-person dialogue while the rest of the class “listens in.”  When no one takes charge of a discussion, things can start going downhill fast, so if you need help keeping things moving now and then, give this a try.  We have a great teaching staff!



 Teaching Tip #87

Lecture – Not everyone learns well this way, but if you have never tried it, a simple “talking head” lecture can actually be successful.  If you have college students in your class, they may be sick of this style, or they may be used to it and respond positively.  There’s only one way to find out.  Try a putting together a lesson that mainly involves you doing the talking about something you’ve read up on the previous week.  Did I mention that ya’ll are doing a fantastic job?  You are!


Teaching Tip #88

Paraphrasing – Do your class members ever mention wishing that the Bible “spoke my language”?  Well, here’s how it can:  Try an exercise in paraphrasing.  It’s very simple.  Choose a verse or brief passage and then tell your class to re-write it in their own words.  It will take some thinking on their part, but that’s where powerful learning can take place.  I know very few churches with a Sunday school staff as great as ours!

Teaching Tip #89

Testing – It’s Sunday school after all, right?  What if you tested the class?  Go to your teaching passage for the week but let them know there will be a test at the end of the lesson.  This is really nothing more than a different way to review.  The difference is that you are making the class do the reviewing on their own from memory.  You don’t need to grade the tests, of course.  It will just be a good exercise for the class in retaining material.  As always, keep up the good work.


Teaching Tip #90

Theological – I know theology can be a scary subject in Sunday school, but what if the class did the theological work for itself instead of only reading what someone else has said?  This isn’t heresy; it’s just a different way of reading scripture.  All you need to do is read a passage and ask one question:  “What does this scripture tell us about God?”  It’s a great way to get people thinking about the implications of certain things in the Bible that we often read over.  Give it a try, I bet it will turn out great!  I really do thank God for a great teaching staff.

Teaching Tip #91

Concordance Use – Introduce to your student the use of a concordance in Bible study; both the small concordance in the back of a Study Bible, and an exhaustive concordance.   This skill will allow them to look up verses using key words, people, places, and subjects.   They will also be able to begin doing word studies.   This is a skill that I am proud you all have, pass it on!


Teaching Tip #92

Current Events Take a current event and tie it to a Biblical story or truth.   This is a great way to show that the Bible is as alive today as it was thousands of years ago.   It shows that the issues faced in Biblical times are still being repeated today.   You all do a great job showing God’s love so tie the solution God gave then with the assurance that He has a solution for today.


Teaching Tip #93

Curriculum Study – Experts have compiled hundreds of booklets on various subjects; don’t be afraid to use them.   Your class may have a specific need and this is an excellent way to address this.   It can help with your preparation time as most references will be listed for you.   You all know what your class needs are, use this as a way to address them.


 Teaching Tip #94

Bible Dictionary – Introduce your class to Bible dictionaries.   These references are a great way to answer questions about historical facts and social concerns.   At the time it was written some references would have been common knowledge.   A Bible dictionary will inform us today about many of these facts.   Add this tool to the ones you all use so well now!


Teaching Tip #95

Guest Speaker – Break up the normal routine by inviting an expert into your class.   By taking advantage of experts such as college professors or people who have traveled world-wide you can introduce a huge amount of knowledge.   Some people such as missionaries can relate first hand, needs in parts of the world most of us will never see.   You all have such a great network of friends, call on them! 


Teaching Tip #96

Word Association – Read a single Bible verse and then ask a class member to say the first word that comes to mind.   This is a great way to get every person in the class involved.   It helps them realize that that every verse has something special to say to us.   You are all so smart, have fun playing amateur psychologist.


Teaching Tip #97

Dramatic –this week, add some spice to the classroom by throwing in a little drama! We do not want to be teachers that are boring, so let’s make sure that we are bringing in our personalities to heighten the level of drama in the classroom. Some could say that drama in a negative things, and the it only causes problems…but on the contrary, drama can be a great way to add energy, humor, and creativity to the classroom. Move around, talk loud, talk soft, get high, get low, get emotional!! Use a dramatic disposition to pull the class in and get their attention focused on what the lesson is about.  Everyone is doing a great job of being themselves…now let’s try to bump it up a notch and add some drama to the classroom!


Teaching Tip #98

Analogies – This week make the story come alive by using analogies.  We all learn more effectively when we are given examples to understand the point of the lesson. Analogies are a great way to relate people the point you are trying to get across, and it is more fun to give comparisons and tell stories than it is to spit out a bunch of facts! Some people have a hard time relating the lesson to real life, so by using analogies you are helping someone grasp the concept of the lesson better. Bring the lesson to life by getting the students engaged through your creative analogies and comparisons. You’re doing a great job already, and I can tell most of you use analogies in your teaching…just a friendly reminder to keep pushing ourselves out of the box!


Teaching Tip #99

Sensitive to Audience – This week try to be more aware of and more sensitive to the audience that you are teaching or speaking to. It is great to prepare for our teaching engagements, but often times we prepare so much that we forget to respond with the audience. Just as much as we want the audience to feed off of us, we should be feeding off of them! Make your students feel loved and appreciated by showing them that you are sensitive and responding to their needs. I know that all of you do this already, but let’s remember to be aware of the people around us as we minister to them!



Teaching Tip #100

Energy – This week PUMP IT UP, and teach with ENERGY! Shock your students by coming in and teaching with 10 times more energy than the week before. When students see energy from the teacher, they too want to begin to catch up to that energy and jump on the bandwagon of whatever is being taught. At times we are so tired and caught up in our lesson plan that we forget to have energy and be excited about what we are teaching. I know that all of try your best at this, but remember, energy is contagious, so lets share it with out people!




By the Teaching to Bible to Adults  class,

Fall 2007, Indiana Wesleyan University

Keith Drury, Learning coach