Somerset Christian College


BI 102 New Testament Survey

Spring 2005   Fast Track 2

Academic Building Rm 203   Wed 6:00 – 9:30

Course Syllabus



Course Instructor


John Drury

Office: Academic Office  




Contribution of this Course to the Movement of SCC’s Mission and Vision


The course contributes to the student’s overall experience at Somerset primarily by initiating students into the narrative of God’s dealings with the world in Christ and the Church.  The New Testament tells Part Two of the Larger Story of God, which began in the Old Testament and continues through today (Upward Call).  The course will also inculcate skills in the student to enhance meaningful personal bible study (Inward Call).  Finally, especially through discussions and the creative project, students will be challenged and equipped to engage their culture for Christ (Outward Call).



Required Texts


- Kenneth Schenck, Jesus is Lord! An Introduction to the New Testament

- Bible (translation of your choice, but preferably NIV)



Course Objectives


By the end of this course you will …


1.      have enhanced your enjoyment of the New Testament.

2.      be able to navigate your way through the basic layout of the New Testament.

3.      have a basic grasp of the content of each NT book.

4.      not be frazzled when you encounter strange people and places in the NT.

5.      know, love and enjoy God better by studying his words and works.


Course Description


“A survey of the history, literature and theology of the New Testament.  Emphasis upon the contents of the twenty-seven books that comprise the New Testament.  Attention will also be given to the transmission of the text and the process of canonization.  Students will also be exposed to critical issues and scholarly methods employed in modern research of the New Testament.” 



Course Requirements


1. Weekly Points: 10 weeks x 50 pts/week = 500 points


Each weekly session you can earn up to 50 points.  These points will be given based on assignments, reading, quizzes, and active participation.  By the end of each day we will fill out a log sheet with pertinent data learned in that day’s activities.  These log sheets will be the key to taking later quizzes and the final.  Make sure to come prepared every day and these points are yours.


2. Project Points: 2 projects x 150 points ea = 300 points


Each student is responsible for two projects.  On May 25th, students will work together in teams to teach the class about Paul’s letters.  You will need to do some research and preparation for this.  Secondly, on the week before the final exam (June 8th), each individual student will hand in a creative expression of the basic shape of the New Testament.  The purpose of this project is to grasp the big picture of the NT in a way enjoyable to you. Instructions for these assignments can be found in the appendix.


3. Exam Points: 1 Exam x 200 pts each = 200 points


There will be one final exam worth 200 points.  It will test your accumulated knowledge of basic NT knowledge.  It will be cumulative, consisting primarily of questions from previous weekly quizzes, so the trick is to study and learn as you go!



Points and Grading Scale


     500 Weekly Points

     300 Project Points

  + 200 Final Exam Points

   1000 total possible points


1000 – 950  A

949 – 900  A-

899 – 870  B+

869 – 830  B

829 – 800  B-


799 – 770  C+

769 – 730  C

729 – 700  C-

699 – 670  D+

669 – 630  D

639 – 600  D-



Course Schedule


Apr 13th          Introduction & Matthew


Apr 20th          Mark and Jesus’ People

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 6, 7, 8, 18
      • Prepare “Jewish Groups at the Time of Jesus” worksheet
      • Read Mark 15 (The Death of Jesus)


Apr 27th          Luke and Jesus’ Places

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 19 & 20
      • Prepare “Tour Palestine with Jesus” map
      • Read Luke 24 (The Resurrection of Jesus)


May 4th           John and Jesus’ Person

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 25 & 26
      • Prepare “Titles for Jesus” Glossary exercise
      • Meditate on John 1:1-18 (The Identity of Jesus)


May 11th         Acts and Paul’s Places & People

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 30 & 31
      • Prepare “Paul’s MissionTrips” Map
      • Prepare Paul’s Trial


May 18th         RomansI & II Corinthians

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 38, 41, 42
      • Read “Missionary Support Letter” (Romans)
      • Prepare “Dear Abby” Assignment (I Corinthians)


May 25th         Galatians – Titus

      • Group Project Due


June 1st           Hebrews – Revelation

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 51, 52, 53


June 8th          Conclusion and Review

      • Read Schenck, Jesus is Lord! chs. 4 & 5
      • Creative Project Due           


June 15th        Final Exam

Points Tally                                                  NAME:


Apr 13th       ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/50




Apr 20th       ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/100




Apr 27th       ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/150




May 4th        ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/200




May 11th      ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/250




May 18th      ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/300




May 25th       ___/50 Weekly Points        



                         ___/150 Group Project                                            Total = ___/500



June 1st        ___/50 Weekly Points                                             Total = ___/550




June 8th       ___/50 Weekly Points



                         ___/150 Creative Project                                        Total = ___/750



June 15th     ___/50 Weekly Points        



                         ___/150 Final Exam                                                Total = ___/1000

Instructional Resource Center


The IRC at Somerset Christian College offers tutorial support services designed to help all students achieve their full academic potential and goals. The IRC as a venue of both remediation and enhancement to the coursework requirements, offers materials and tutorials in study skills such as time management, organization, and learning or test strategies; in MLA format and style;  in writing assistance such as outlining, drafting, researching, and editing; and in computer skills and information access. Conveniently located in the AK White library on campus, the IRC works to provide students with materials and skill sets necessary to carry out information access, evaluation, and application effectively.   It also offers assistance in resume building and in reference letter requests. As a supplement to the regular classroom experience, the IRC promotes quality and excellence of all student endeavors to the glory of God.

For current hours of operation, you may email the director, Dr. Beverly Busch at or call  732-356-1595, ext. 1126;  you may also call the library direct at 732-356-1595, ext. 1120; or check the SCC web page (Academics, IRC) as these hours are subject to change throughout the academic year. Blessings to you all as you follow Christ!   

Attendance Policy


In an effort to ensure that students experience the greatest return from their studies at SCC and to maintain a sense of community between and among students and faculty, the following policy about student attendance has been established:


SCC recognizes that extenuating circumstances will necessitate students missing class on occasion. Therefore, students are allowed to miss one block session (unexcused) per three credit-hour course without question and without academic penalty. A block session constitutes one class meeting (2 ½ or 3 ½ hour session) per week.


Unless approval is obtained from the instructor in advance, students missing 2-4 classes will have their letter grade lowered one full letter for every block class missed (e.g. students missing 2 block classes would have his/her grade lowered from A to B; 3 absences would reduce the letter grade from A to C, etc.). Students who accrue more than 4 absences will be assigned a grade of "F" for that course. In all cases, students have the right to appeal. Appeals must be made in writing to the instructor and the Academic Dean.


In all cases, including unexcused absences, students must make up all assignments and tests missed during any absence through arrangement with their instructor(s) in order to receive academic credit.


Snow and Other Emergency/Class Cancellation Policy


In case of inclement weather or other emergency conditions, students, staff and faculty should consult the Somerset Christian College website, voice mail, and/or STAR 99.1 for up to date information.  Call 732-356-1595 or 1-800-234-9305 and press 9, the college information line, for up to date information on class cancellation. 


Somerset Christian College Official Style Guide


SCC requires that all research papers conform to the style guide as outlined by the MLA (Modern Language Association).


Gibaldi, Joseph.  MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. NY: MLA, 2003.

Four important rules to remember in order to avoid plagiarizing something:

  • Your instructor is your best resource if you have any questions regarding whether or not your information is documented accurately.
  • Put an in-text citation at the end of any idea or fact which you found in a book or article, whether or not you change the words.
  • Exact quotations should either be put in quotation marks or indented and an in-text citation should be used to indicate the source
  • When in doubt, go ahead and document the source.

*Note: Documenting sources helps your reader find more information as well as helping you avoid plagiarism.

Gannon, Jack. The Week the World Heard Gallaudet. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 1989. (modified BB 1/05).

Appendix 1 – Log Sheet








































Hot Topics:





























Appendix 2 – Paul’s Letters Project Grade Sheet


Your Name: __________________________________________


Your Epistle(s): _________________________________________________________





Grade yourself according to how much you read and how well you read:


___/25. I carefully read the appropriate NT Epistles.


___/25. I carefully read the appropriate textbook chapters.


Total: ___/50.






___/25. My Log Sheet(s) were complete


___/25. My Log Sheet(s) were accurate


Total: ___/50.






___/25. I prepared a creative learning process for my fellow students.


___/25. I effectively facilitated the class in learning (a.k.a. I wasn’t boring)


Total: ___/50.




Now add Reading, Preparation and Presentation Points together for your …


Project Total: ____/150