BI 102 New Testament
Spring 2005 Fast
Track 2
Academic Building Rm 203 Wed
Course Syllabus
Course Instructor
John Drury
Office: Academic Office
Contribution of this Course to the
Movement of SCC’s Mission and Vision
The course contributes to
the student’s overall experience at
Required Texts
- Kenneth Schenck, Jesus is Lord! An Introduction to the New Testament
- Bible (translation of your
choice, but preferably NIV)
Course Objectives
By the end of this course
you will …
1. have enhanced your enjoyment of the New Testament.
2. be able to navigate your way through the basic layout
of the New Testament.
3. have a basic grasp of the content of each NT book.
4. not be frazzled when you encounter strange people and
places in the NT.
5. know, love and enjoy God better by studying his words
and works.
Course Description
“A survey of the history,
literature and theology of the New Testament.
Emphasis upon the contents of the twenty-seven books that comprise the
New Testament. Attention will also be
given to the transmission of the text and the process of canonization. Students will also be exposed to critical
issues and scholarly methods employed in modern research of the New
Course Requirements
1. Weekly Points: 10 weeks x 50 pts/week = 500 points
weekly session you can earn up to 50 points.
These points will be given based on assignments, reading, quizzes, and
active participation. By the end of each
day we will fill out a log sheet with pertinent data learned in that day’s
activities. These log sheets will be the
key to taking later quizzes and the final.
Make sure to come prepared every day and these points are yours.
2. Project Points: 2 projects x 150 points ea = 300 points
student is responsible for two projects.
On May 25th, students will work together in teams to teach the
class about Paul’s letters. You will
need to do some research and preparation for this. Secondly, on the week before the final exam (June
8th), each individual student will hand in a creative expression of
the basic shape of the New Testament.
The purpose of this project is to grasp the big picture of the NT in a
way enjoyable to you. Instructions for these assignments can be found in the
3. Exam Points: 1 Exam x 200 pts each = 200 points
will be one final exam worth 200 points.
It will test your accumulated knowledge of basic NT knowledge. It will be cumulative, consisting primarily
of questions from previous weekly quizzes, so the trick is to study and learn
as you go!
Points and Grading Scale
500 Weekly
300 Project
+ 200 Final Exam
1000 total possible points
1000 – 950 A
949 – 900 A-
899 – 870 B+
869 – 830 B
829 – 800 B-
799 – 770 C+
769 – 730 C
729 – 700 C-
699 – 670 D+
669 – 630 D
639 – 600 D-
Course Schedule
Apr 13th Introduction
& Matthew
Apr 20th Mark and Jesus’ People
Apr 27th Luke and Jesus’ Places
May 4th John
and Jesus’ Person
May 11th Acts and Paul’s Places & People
May 18th Romans
– I & II Corinthians
May 25th Galatians
– Titus
June 1st Hebrews
– Revelation
June 8th Conclusion and Review
June 15th Final
Points Tally NAME:
Apr 13th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/50
Apr 20th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/100
Apr 27th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/150
May 4th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/200
May 11th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/250
May 18th – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/300
May 25th – ___/50
Weekly Points
___/150 Group Project Total = ___/500
June 1st – ___/50
Weekly Points Total
= ___/550
June 8th – ___/50
Weekly Points
___/150 Creative Project Total = ___/750
June 15th – ___/50
Weekly Points
___/150 Final Exam Total = ___/1000
The IRC at
For current hours of operation, you may
email the director, Dr.
Attendance Policy
In an effort to
ensure that students experience the greatest return from their studies at SCC
and to maintain a sense of community between and among students and
SCC recognizes
that extenuating circumstances will necessitate students missing class on
occasion. Therefore, students are allowed to miss one block session (unexcused)
per three credit-hour course without question and without academic penalty. A
block session constitutes one class meeting (2 ½ or 3 ½ hour session) per week.
Unless approval
is obtained from the instructor in advance, students missing 2-4 classes will
have their letter grade lowered one full letter for every block class missed
(e.g. students missing 2 block classes would have his/her grade lowered from A
to B; 3 absences would reduce the letter grade from A to C, etc.). Students who
accrue more than 4 absences will be assigned a grade of "F" for that
course. In all cases, students have the right to appeal. Appeals must be made
in writing to the instructor and the Academic Dean.
In all cases,
including unexcused absences, students must make up all assignments and tests
missed during any absence through arrangement with their instructor(s) in order
to receive academic credit.
Snow and Other Emergency/Class Cancellation Policy
In case of
inclement weather or other emergency conditions, students, staff and faculty
should consult the
SCC requires
that all research papers conform to the style guide as outlined by the MLA
(Modern Language Association).
Gibaldi, Joseph.
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed.
NY: MLA, 2003.
Four important rules to remember in
order to avoid plagiarizing something:
*Note: Documenting sources helps your reader
find more information as well as helping you avoid plagiarism.
Gannon, Jack. The Week the World Heard Gallaudet.
Appendix 1 – Log Sheet
Who What When Where Why
Size Location Features
Hot Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Appendix 2 – Paul’s
Letters Project Grade Sheet
Your Name:
Your Epistle(s):
Grade yourself according to how much you read and how well
you read:
I carefully read the appropriate NT Epistles.
I carefully read the appropriate textbook chapters.
Total: ___/50.
My Log Sheet(s) were complete
My Log Sheet(s) were accurate
Total: ___/50.
I prepared a creative learning process
for my fellow students.
I effectively facilitated the class
in learning (a.k.a. I wasn’t boring)
Total: ___/50.
Now add
Project Total: ____/150