Stroudsburg, Pa



My mother are friends in front of the 302 Main Street church in Stroudsburg.   I always thought of my mother as a tall woman and you can see here why—she towered over the Pennsylvania Dutch woman at her church—actually she was only 5’4” tall.  The woman third form right was Ila Chatfield.  Ila was one of three old women in this church who prayed for me every single day from the time I went to college until she eventually lost her memory 20 years later.



7 second street the first parsonage at Stroudsburg, now an ice cream parlor.


Hilda Hess here at the barbeque was a wonderful happy woman who was a perfect model of a giver.  I will tell about the rocking chair I still have that was given to me by Hilda, who was a janitor at East Stroudsburg State college all her life.



Mrs. Patchen (right) ruled over the VBS snacks.  I’ll be telling about her rules: “Two white crackers or one graham cracker.”


Sunday school picnic 1950’s-style


Swimming hole at the Fellers





Leonard & Beatrice Drury at the new parsonage at 910 Wallace Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. The grass is not yet planted.  It must have been a special occasion though—my mother has a corsage.  The hat and gloves were the normal dress-up for women in those days.  We moved into this parsonage my senior year in high school so it must have been taken in the summer of  1962.




My first attempt at an evangelistic crusade with Dean Feller.


My father’s pride and joy—moving from a mission-type church on main street to the new church at 515 5th street.